Each July 4th, thousands of people, most often children and teens, are injured while using consumer fireworks. Despite the dangers of fireworks, few people understand the associated risks – devastating burns, other injuries, fires, and even death. The Holiday Park VFD wants to ensure that you and your family remain safe during this festive time. To that end we have gathered tips and videos to share with you from the various fire & safety agencies in the US.
Fireworks Fire & Injury Facts
Fireworks started an estimated 19,500 fires in 2018, including 1,900 structure fires, 500 vehicle fires, and 17,100 outside and other fires. These fires caused five deaths, 46 civilian injuries, and $105 million in direct property damage.
In 2018, U.S. hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 9,100 people for fireworks related injuries; half of those injuries were to the extremities and 34% were to the eye or other parts of the head. Children younger than 15 years of age accounted for more than one-third (36%) of the estimated 2018 injuries. These injury estimates were obtained or derived from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2018 Fireworks Annual Report by Yongling Tu and Jason Ng.
If You Choose to Use Legal Fireworks
If consumer fireworks are legal to buy where you live and you choose to use them, be sure to follow the following safety tips recommended by the National Safety Council
– Never allow young children to handle fireworks
– Older children should use them only under close adult supervision
– Never use fireworks while impaired by drugs or alcohol
– Anyone using fireworks or standing nearby should wear protective eyewear
– Never hold lighted fireworks in your hands
– Never light them indoors
– Only use them away from people, houses and flammable material
– Never point or throw fireworks at another person
– Only light one device at a time and maintain a safe distance after lighting
– Never ignite devices in a container
– Do not try to re-light or handle malfunctioning fireworks
– Soak both spent and unused fireworks in water for a few hours before discarding
– Keep a bucket of water nearby to fully extinguish fireworks that don’t go off or in case of fire
– Never use illegal fireworks
– Better yet, grab a blanket and a patch of lawn, kick back and let the experts handle the fireworks show.
Keep Children Safe
Watch the story of Michael Shannon, a three-year-old boy who was killed when a legal consumer firework struck him in the head during a July Fourth family celebration. Michael’s parents and sister talk about their memories of Michael, the pain they’ve endured in the years since his death, and their hope that parents will understand the danger of consumer fireworks…
Sparklers Are Dangerous
Every year, young children can be found along parade routes and at festivals with sparklers in hand, but sparklers are a lot more dangerous than most people think.
Sparklers burn at about 2,000 degrees – hot enough to melt some metals. Sparklers can quickly ignite clothing, and children have received severe burns from dropping sparklers on their feet. According to the National Fire Protection Association, sparklers alone account for more than 25% of emergency room visits for fireworks injuries. For children under 5 years of age, sparklers accounted for nearly half of the total estimated injuries.
Consider using safer alternatives, such as glow sticks, confetti poppers or colored streamers.
Animal Safety
Help keep our furry and feather friends safe during the fireworks time. Providing comfort to them is important due the sound and brightness.
National Safety Council
Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Fire Protection Association