Today was a busy day with honing fire ground skills… In the morning the cadets learned “Firefighter Down CPR”; where a firefighter in full gear & air-pack has gone into cardiac arrest with the team working together to save him/her quickly.
Then the squads move between four skills stations: SCBA Confidence Course, Obstacle Course, Mayday Rescues, and Search & Rescue in a smoke filled structure.
In the afternoon; they loaded up on various fire apparatus and conducted hose lines drills, deluge drills, ladder operations, and hitting the hydrant. The ended with a trip to Dairy Queen for a frozen treat!
All these skills will be built upon on Wednesday as the cadets will spend the entire day at the Allegheny County Fire Academy with more complex skills and scenarios. Come back Wednesday to see more!
FIRE CAMP 2022 RECAP: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5