Congratulations to the 18 students in our Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) class conducted by CCAC Public Safety Institute and hosted at Holiday Park Volunteer Fire Department; who all passed their course final exam today. They also brushed up on their skills stations in the afternoon as they prepare for their official PA state psychomotor exam coming up on Monday night.
Thank you to all the EMS Providers who volunteered their time to assist with the mock skill stations and assisted in class demos: EMT Mike Cline, EMT Danielle Cline, Paramedic Joe Volpe, Paramedic Brandon Corwin, PHRN Gavin Bordogna, EMT Dan Eckenrode, EMT Tom Hordubay, and Paramedic Jeff Wess. Patient actors: FF Joe Schwan, FF Nathan McMasters, DJ Eckenrode, and JRFF Noah Adams.
Process to Certification:
1 – Successful completion of CCAC EMR Course (skill stations & final examination)
2 – PA State Psychomotor Exam
3 – NREMT EMR Cognitive Exam
4 – Completion of PA Dept of Health Application Process/Background Checks
Class Instructors:
(all CCAC Adjunct Faculty & state certified EMS Instructors)
Alex Marcelewski
Carin Frank
Jim Sims
Past EMR Class Articles:
EMR Class in Home Stretch
2024 EMR Class Kicks Off