Bingo Starts Thursday May 13th! Doors will open at 5pm and we will be operating under some new policies and changes to ensure that COVID-19 preventive measures are in place. We ask you please follow them and help us provide a fun evening to everyone.


Please note that due to COVID-19 guidelines that only the front glass doors will be open. When entering we will take your temperature and give you a ticket so you can purchase your package.

You MUST WEAR a face mask or face shield on upon entering and playing Bingo.

If you need access to the handicapped entrance or ramp, please call ahead and we will be more than happy to let you in that door.

We will start selling Bingo cards at 5:30pm. This will be done according to the tickets you were given at the door. We will be calling 10 numbers at a time so that we can keep our line socially distant.

Thank you for your understanding with all the new changes in order for us to try and keep everyone socially distant and germ free. There will be sanitizer upon entering and at different tables throughout the hall if you should need it.


– Our kitchen will be open starting at 5:45pm with a limited menu.
– We will have water & ice for anyone needing, but will no longer have the ice bin available for self serve.
– For the time being, we will be serving snack foods and any food that can be cooked in the fryers.
– We will also have salads. (See menu at bottom of this page)


All packages include 20 regular games, 4 specials & jackpots!

Cards & Prices
6 – $17
12 – $27
18 – $33
24 – $38
30 – $42
36 – $46
42 – $49
48 – $52

Extra Games
U-Pic-Em – $1
Quickie – $1
Wild Card – $2
Early Birds – $3
Magic Boot – $5
Super Quickie – $5
Triple Chance – $5

Don’t forget you still get $5 off on your birthday! If your bingo falls on a Thursday, you get your regular package cards for FREE!

Special Games for the week of May 13th:
B & O
13 numbers or less for $300 or consolation of $200

Wild Card
$678 plus tonight’s monies

Magic Boot Numbers
(Total of 6 Boot #’s totaling over $3000)
$ tonight’s boot

Break the Bank Ticket
If you bingo on a ticket with a bank, you have a chance at picking the correct key, opening the bank of $5,650 plus tonight’s added amount.
Theses tickets are sold from 530 until bingo starts!


– You must be at least 14 years of age and have a paid admission to be in the hall while Bingo is being played.
– No admission after Regular Game #5.
– Face mask or face shield must be worn by everyone throughout the evening.
– No saving of seats is permitted without paid admission.
– You must have an admission to participate in any ticket games, raffles or drawings.
– No Alcoholic beverages permitted in the building.
– Bingo & Fire Dept Management reserves the right to refuse entry or eject a person or persons.

Medical Officer/PIO