The volunteer fire service across Pennsylvania has been shrinking for several decades now from 350,000 to around 40,000 protecting around 90% of the state. Plum is no different from the rest of the state, we need volunteers to keep our department going to protect the community. It’s not just firefighters, we need everyday citizens who can bring a skill to the department in areas such as administrative affairs, business, accounting, fundraising, engineering, mechanics, the list is endless. Yes, we need firefighters & EMS personnel but we need the folks to support them too off the fireground.

The Holiday Park Volunteer Fire Department is staffed by volunteers filling various roles from administrative to operational.  You do not need to fight fires to be a member who can make a difference.

There are three areas of governance within the fire department:
OPERATIONAL: The Fire Chief and his line officers manage the firefighting, emergency operations, and training aspect of the department. They exercise command and control on the fire ground, EMS calls, training, parades, and any operational event.
ADMINISTRATIVE: The President and his/her executive officers manage the administrative and business related functions of the department. This ranges from financial affairs to building maintenance, insurance, technology support, and fundraising.
OVERSIGHT: The Board of Directors oversees the overall department to ensure proper fiduciaries duties to the membership, local, state, and federal governments are followed; and that the operational and administrative areas operate within proper guidelines. The Board also handles all legal matters and brand-protection. It is made of up three independently elected members, a representative from the Line Officers, and a representative of the Executive Officers.

The following is a break-down of the types of membership within our department:


There are four sub-types in the Active area, members of this type have voting rights within the department and may hold leadership (elected or non-elected) positions on the operational side of the department.  There are training requirements that must be met in order to conduct operations of each level, in-house & fire school training is offered.
  • Firefighter:  (18+ years of age) Conducts fire suppression, technical & vehicle rescue, fire prevention, and other operational skills.
  • Emergency Medical Technician or Emergency Medical Responder: (18+ years of age) Performs Basic Life Support operations to support EMS operations as certified Pre-Hospital Providers by the PA Department of Health.
  • Fire Police: (21+ years of age) Conduct traffic operations to assist police and provide safety zones for emergency personnel on the fire/rescue ground.
  • Junior Firefighter: (14-17 years of age) Teenagers who train along side active adult members, conduct limited fire ground operations, and attend Fire School.


Members of this type are non-operational in nature and support the overall operation of the department.  This includes but is not limited to administrative assistance, building maintenance, community relations, financial/accounting, fund-raising, mechanics, public relations, technology, etc…   Members of this type have voting rights within the department and may hold executive offices in the department and serve as committee chairs.


Members of this type are individuals who wish to assist the department but cannot meet the time commitment of a Active or Company membership type.  They may serve in an operational or support role.


The department may from time to time bestow Honorary membership on a individual whom has performed acts of high support or ability that assisted the department.

How to Join

Potential new members (applicants) are funneled through a membership funnel:
  1. Email or use online info form for questions about our department or to schedule a visit.
  2. Complete & Submit a New Membership Application (online form)
  3. Submit to a Background Check (PA State Police, Child Welfare, and FBI)
  4. Interview with Membership Committee and the Fire Chief (active spots)
  5. Department membership holds a vote to place Applicant on six months probation
  6. New member during the six months probation meets specific goals an objectives
  7. At the six month goal, they are reviewed and brought up to the membership for a full membership vote.   Upon earning full membership, he/she is entitled to voting rights, provided he/she has accumulated enough points.

Medical Officer/PIO