Out of an abundance of caution and safety in regards to the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Holiday Park Volunteer Fire Department has decided to temporarily suspend its Fish Fry and Bingo fundraising operations until further notice. We will re-evaluate the situation as updates from the government and health officials are release; but hope to resume operations for Good Friday. Our goal is protect our patrons and our fire department personnel during this health situation.
Rest assured, our emergency operations such as Fire, Rescue, and EMS responses will remain in place. We are committed to serving our community and being there in times of need. Steps have been taken to ensure our apparatus, equipment, and personnel remain safe with preventative measures and protocols. Our firefighters are sanitizing the building daily to ensure areas where our crews gather are clean and ready for the next emergency response and maintain a safe environment. We are prepared to staff the station with crews staying in-house if needed too.
We remind everyone to keep an eye out for the latest advisories from the local health department and government officials on the status of the COVID-19 virus. See the graphics below for tips to share with your family. Plus, don’t forget to support those local businesses that remain open in a take-out and delivery model along with essential operations such as Healthcare, Public Works, and First Resonders.