On May 4, 2022, Holiday Park VFD joins the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) in the observance of International Firefighters’ Day, which began on May 4, 1999, after the deaths of five Australian firefighters in a wildland fire. Since that time, International Firefighters’ Day is held every May 4th to recognize the work and sacrifice of firefighters across the globe in keeping their communities safe. We have all been moved by the images of children, families, and the elderly impacted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. There have also been images reminding us of the strength and bravery of firefighters and emergency service workers responding to the needs of their communities under the worst of circumstances. On May 4, 2022, the world celebrates International Firefighters Day. This is a way to say thank you, to you, our firefighters, for all that you do and to remember those firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty..
Shine Your Light for Firefighters
– The NFFF & Holiday Park VFD are asking the community to light up in “red” on May 4th with the outside lights of their homes, business, and buildings. Lighting up in “red” would be a symbol of support to all of those who are there 24-hours a day, 7-days a week to protect us.
– Take a photo of your home/business “lighting up Red” and share with us on our Facebook Page as well as across all of your social media accounts via the following hashtags: #Shine4Firefighters #ThisIsMyFirefighter #WeThankFFs #FirefightersDay