The officers & members of the Holiday Park VFD offer our hearty congratulations to Firefighter Greg Carbon as he was awarded the Eagle Scout rank by the Boy Scouts on Sunday. It is the highest rank to earn and one that requires years of dedication & service; only a small percentage of scouts ever reach it.
Greg joined our fire department shortly after Fire Camp this past summer and upon his 18th birthday he became a senior firefighter and joined our “bunk in” program. He drives in weekly from Ohio on weekends to stay at the fire station to run calls, conduct training, & help around the department. You can always count on Greg to complete a task once assigned quickly & efficiently.
Greg recently completed his Emergency Vehicle Driver Training course and is in the process of completing his interior firefighter certification training at his high school and then will begin EMT school in the Spring. It is young adults like Greg that will power the fire service in the future and help be the leaders of tomorrow.