Holiday Park VFD allows Port Authority bus riders to park their vehicles in our main parking lot during the weekdays. Those commuters are advised that the parking lot will be undergoing a construction project that will result in about 1/4 of the parking lot being closed off for a few weeks.
The construction project is fixing a catch water basin and pipeline that over the years has collapsed and in need of immediate repair. The work is beginning in the main parking lot along Golden Mile Highway and will eventually expand down in front of the fire station’s apparatus bays and down to Grand Slam Pizza.
Drivers are caution to be on the look-out for construction workers, conned off areas, entrance/exit closures and other construction related issues.
Drivers are reminded that parking on Old Abers Creek Road and behind the fire station is not permitted and will be subject to police action. Also please do not park in yellow parking spaces marked with “FIRE” since those are restricted to our emergency responders during fire/ems calls. Vehicles will be towed from those spaces at the owner’s expense.
We will post updates here on holidayparkvfd.org and on our Facebook site.