NAME: Gregg Fusco RANK: 1st Assistant Chief & Infection Control Officer ROLE: Under the direction…
RANK: Chief of the Department
ROLE: Responsible for the overall planning, organizing, and directing of day-to-day operations of the fire department; and the evaluation of all emergency operations including fire suppression, rescue, emergency medical services, and hazardous materials mitigation. All budgeting, training, and personnel issues are overseen by the chief. He is the Chief Operating Officer of the fire department.
Holiday Park VFD: 49
Emergency Services: 49 (Fire, EMS, & Law Enforcement)
Life Member, Holiday Park VFD, 1991
Life Member, Unity VFD
Hall of Fame, Plum School District, 2016
Firefighter of the Decade, 2023
- Firefighter 1
- Fire Officer 1
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Basic Vehicle Rescue Technician
- EMS Vehicle Operator
- Accident Reconstruction Investigator
- Hazard Materials Operations
- Emergency Management (PEMA)
- Engine Company
- Ladder Company
- Pump Ops 1
- Pump Ops 2
- Helicopter Landing Operations
- Incident Command
- Swift Water Rescue, WRER
- EMS Instructor
- Life Member*
- Delegate, PFCA
- CAAPs Committee Chair*
- Fire Camp Director*
- Citizens Fire Academy Director*
- Officers Delegate, Board of Directors*
- By-Laws Committee*
- Membership Committee*
- Paramedic
- Assistant Chief
- Captain
- Engineer
(* = current position)
- Code Enforcement Officer, Plum Borough
- Emergency Management Coordinator, Plum Borough
- Adjunct EMS Faculty, CCAC
- Retired Police Officer