Four members from our fire department’s Swift Water Rescue Team completed two intense days of training for Emergency Boat Operations as part of the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission’s Swift Water Rescue certification series. The group joined others from several…
Holiday Park VFD, one of the four volunteer fire departments that serve Plum and surrounding communities; is holding a golf tournament as fundraiser to support its’ emergency operations. Due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and still today…
Monday evening before The Borough of Plum Council two of our members along several from Plum EMS & Plum were recognized for the Cardiac Arrest save of Holiday Park area woman that occurred back in February; who has now recovered…
Bingo Starts Thursday May 13th! Doors will open at 5pm and we will be operating under some new policies and changes to ensure that COVID-19 preventive measures are in place. We ask you please follow them and help us provide…
As part of National EMS Week 2021, Holiday Park Volunteer Fire Department will be offering an free evening for those wishing to complete the CPR course and Stop the Bleed course. Date/Time: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.…
As part of National Volunteer Week 2021, we highlighted our members with volunteer profiles each day on social media. We wanted to acknowledge our department volunteers who give countless hours of their time and efforts to serve the community. Each…
As part of National Volunteer Week, we invite the community to visit Holiday Park VFD’s station as part of our Open House program. Each night from April 19th thru April 22nd, our doors will be open and our members onsite…
The officers and members of the Holiday Park VFD are happy to announce a new vehicle to our department’s emergency fleet: 236-Utility. The 2020 Ford-350 Super Duty replaces our previous 236-Squad that served the department for 20 years. This new…
This year, on March 14, states throughout the U.S. will be turning their clocks forward. Many people will use this opportunity to change their home’s smoke alarm batteries as well. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) makes the following recommendations…
The community is always asking how things are going within the fire department. Last night Chief Jim Sims gave an update before the Borough of Plum Council on what we have been up too. Some items include Fish Fry, Community…