Company Member Annabella Tuttle Ratner was awarded her Life Membership at our annual event. Ann is a great example of everyday citizens wanting to help but not in the operational side of the department. She focuses her time in fundraising and activities; you find her every Thursday night working Bingo at the fire station as well as overseeing several activities for members.

The highest honor that the Holiday Park Volunteer Fire Department can bestow on a member is the status of “Life Member”. To achieve this level of membership sets that member in a Elite class in the history of the department after many years of committed service to the department.

To achieve Life Membership Status:
– The member must be in either the Active or Company member grouping
– Must have been a member of the fire department or the former Ladies Auxiliary or Ambulance Service
– He/she must have completed 60 voting quarters (15 years) of service as an Adult*
– He/she must be in good standing (no suspension or leave of absence)
– Note: Time as a Junior Firefighter/Member does not count*

Life Members are inducted into their new status at the Annual Banquet in January of the following year of obtaining status. He/she receives a platinum Life Member Badge, a Gold Life Member Engraved Card, and going forward their quarterly and annual points requirements drop to a lower level.

More Awards from the 2022 Banquet via: Installation of Officers & Champions Dinner

See our list of Life Members via: Life Members Section

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