The “Richard Borgoyne President’s Award” is awarded to any member of the department, Active Fire/EMS or Company status, who has gone above and beyond to assist the department in non-emergency operational areas and overall general service. Medical Officer Alex Marcelewski is this year’s recipient awarded for his work this past year in developing our community outreach & educational programs for the public and first responders.

Alex has in the past been awarded two other high yearly honors from the department:
Member of the Year in 2015
Lawrence E Glass Chief’s Award in 2019

The department’s president in consultation with past president’s and executive officers of the department select the member each year and the award is named after long-time Past President & Life Member Richard “Rick” Borgoyne who passed away in 2016. The award is presented each year at the annual banquet.

Rick served as volunteer firefighter in both Plum Borough and Monroeville for over 35 years and his final posts were as the President and Safety Officer for our department. During his career he has served in numerous roles from Emergency Medical Technician up through the firefighter ranks to Chief of Department and several terms as President. In December of 2015, Rick was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, and battled the disease while at the same still actively serving our community till his passing in late 2016.

List of Recipients
2016 – Jackie Taylor
2017 – Ann Ratner
2018 – Linda Vagnier
2019 – Chad Westover
2020 – Joshua Scalamogna

Learn more about this special annual award via: President’s Award Section

More Awards from the 2022 Banquet via: Installation of Officers & Champions Dinner

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