Magistrate Linda Zucco, in her time honored tradition, began the evening by swearing in the various leadership teams of the department for 2020 Fiscal Year. Several positions are elected by the membership while others are appointed by the Chief Line Officers.

Line Officers (Operations)

(right to left) Chief James Sims, Assistant Chief Gregory Fusco, Assistant Chief Charles Usher, III (Missing from photo), Captain Josh Scalamogna, 1Lt Michael Schuster, 2Lt Daniel Giannettino, & Medical Officer Alex Marcelewski

Executive Offices (Administrative)

(right to left) President Jackie Taylor, Vice President Charles Bell, Treasurer Chad Westover, Secretary Christine Perry, Secretary of Records Linda Vaginer, & Financial Secretary Alex Marcelewski

Fire Police Squad

(left to right) Fire Police Captain Bob Webb, Fire Police Lt Monte Myers, Fire Police Officer Christine Perry, Fire Police Officer Mark Breter, & Fire Police Officer Peter Troxell (missing from photo)

Medical Officer/PIO